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Write an E-Mail to Peter

Peter Hüttel

Peter Hüttel is 43 years old and lives in Duisburg Rheinberg. He is outdoor- and manager trainer by profession. His strength is situated in its experience of divers expeditions: solo-tours in north Scandinavia (1975-1988), crossing of Canada (1991), mounting in the Himalaya (1992), dog sled expedition in north Scandinavia (1993), crossing Lapplands with ski and Parawings (1994), crossings from Alta to Murmansk (1996), dog sled expedition in Lappland (1997), with ski and Pulka through Norway (1998/1999), preparation tours in Norway (2000/2001) and Greenland (2001).

Write an E-Mail to Ralf

Ralf Hewelcke

Ralf Hewelcke is 35 years old and lives in Berlin. He works as a chimney sweeper and is owner of boarding kennels. With Ralf Hewelcke Peter Hüttel has won an expert for Greenland and for dogs. From 1991 to 1997 Hewelcke was member of expeditions each year. No German has as many dog sled kilometers in Greenland as he. 1997 he followed the tracks of the famous Sirius patrol for approx. 2500 Km.

Randolf Nießner

Randolf Niessner is 43 years old and lives in Bremen. He is member of the board of a financial service company. His major task is to solve logistic problems regarding the route planning. Together with Peter Hüttel he will navigate the team to the Gunnbjoerns Fjell. Expeditions in Norway (2000/2001) and Greenland (2001).

Write an E-Mail to Michael

Michael Hübner

Michael Huebner is 39 years old and lives in Sonthofen. He is farmer and forest holder. Huebner is a longtime companion of Peter Hüttel. He accompanied him to almost all expeditions. Huebners ability to achieve physical maximum output and remain at the same time psychologically balanced, makes him irreplaceable for the success of the expedition. Michael Hübner is an allround endurance sportsman and mountain climber.

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